Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Hopelessly Devoted

I'm in Kansas City...I've been in Kansas City almost the entire time I've been on Christmas break because this is where my boyfriend's parents live and where he now lives. Greg and I lived together for 5 months, which was also his last semester of college. Now that he has graduated he has moved back home. He has plans to find a full time job, but has yet to apply for any, but has no plans to stay with me or even come visit because he "has no money" yet can afford a monthly gym membership that begins next month.

Right now I am incredibly confused about where I stand on the priority list, he claims that I'm pretty high up there, but saying it and seeing it are very different things. He said he is going to try to show it more and I really hope he does, but I'm not going to get my hopes up. Also he told me to go ahead and start planning our wedding because the diamond is bought and he is just trying to pay it off before he buys the mounting, but everytime I bring up wedding plans he gets annoyed and doesn't want to hear about it. I just don't know how to take it all comments are incredibly welcome.

1 comment:

  1. Men are stupid, complicated and sometimes mysterious creatures...although thru my broken engagement and multiple long term relationships i have learned one thing, say what you mean and mean what you say. i see you guys love each other. sounds to me like mixed signals with mixed feelings. i say you two need to talk. and tell him everything your feeling.
